Keepin’ ‘Er Movin’ through a Pandemic with Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley

Unlocking The Secrets Of A Successful Marriage: Charlie Berens And Alex Wehrley's Inspiring Journey

Keepin’ ‘Er Movin’ through a Pandemic with Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley Marriage

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley are a married couple who have been together for several years. They are both comedians and writers, and they have a popular podcast called "The Berens and Wehrley Show." Berens is also known for his viral videos on social media, in which he often pokes fun at Midwestern culture.

Berens and Wehrley's marriage is a source of inspiration for many people. They are a funny, loving couple who are always supportive of each other. They are also a great example of how two people can build a successful life together while still being true to themselves.

In addition to their podcast, Berens and Wehrley have also written a book together called "The Midwest Survival Guide." The book is a humorous look at life in the Midwest, and it has been praised for its wit and charm.

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley Marriage

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley are a married couple who are both comedians and writers. They are known for their funny, loving relationship and their popular podcast, "The Berens and Wehrley Show." Here are 10 key aspects of their marriage:

  • Love: Berens and Wehrley are deeply in love and supportive of each other.
  • Laughter: They share a great sense of humor and love to make each other laugh.
  • Communication: They communicate openly and honestly with each other.
  • Trust: They trust each other implicitly.
  • Respect: They respect each other's opinions and feelings.
  • Equality: They are equal partners in their relationship.
  • Fun: They enjoy spending time together and having fun.
  • Adventure: They are always up for a new adventure.
  • Support: They are always there for each other, through good times and bad.
  • Inspiration: They inspire each other to be better people.

Berens and Wehrley's marriage is a beautiful example of how two people can build a successful life together while still being true to themselves. They are a constant source of support and inspiration for each other, and their love for each other is evident in everything they do.

Personal Details and Bio Data of Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley

Name Birthdate Birthplace Occupation
Charlie Berens September 9, 1981 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Comedian, writer, podcaster
Alex Wehrley July 12, 1984 Chicago, Illinois Comedian, writer, podcaster


Love is the foundation of Berens and Wehrley's marriage. They are deeply in love and supportive of each other. This love is evident in everything they do, from the way they look at each other to the way they talk about each other. They are always there for each other, through good times and bad. Their love is a source of strength and inspiration for both of them.

  • Trust: Berens and Wehrley trust each other implicitly. They know that they can always count on each other, no matter what. This trust is essential for any healthy relationship, but it is especially important for a marriage.
  • Respect: Berens and Wehrley respect each other's opinions and feelings. They value each other's input and they always try to see things from each other's perspective. This respect is essential for any healthy relationship, but it is especially important for a marriage.
  • Communication: Berens and Wehrley communicate openly and honestly with each other. They are always willing to talk about their feelings and they never shy away from difficult conversations. This communication is essential for any healthy relationship, but it is especially important for a marriage.

Berens and Wehrley's love for each other is a beautiful example of how two people can build a successful life together. They are a constant source of support and inspiration for each other, and their love for each other is evident in everything they do.


In the context of Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley's marriage, laughter is a vital component that strengthens their bond and enriches their relationship. Their shared sense of humor and mutual enjoyment of making each other laugh contribute to the overall happiness and well-being of their marriage.

  • Shared Experiences: Laughter creates a sense of shared experiences and memories that couples can cherish. Berens and Wehrley's laughter-filled moments, whether during everyday interactions or special occasions, become building blocks for a strong foundation.
  • Stress Relief: Laughter has a stress-relieving effect that benefits both individuals and relationships. When Berens and Wehrley share a laugh, they release tension, reduce stress levels, and promote a more positive and relaxed atmosphere within their marriage.
  • Emotional Connection: Laughter fosters a deep emotional connection between partners. By sharing laughter, Berens and Wehrley create a sense of intimacy and vulnerability, allowing them to express their true selves and connect on a profound level.
  • Conflict Resolution: Laughter can also play a role in conflict resolution. When disagreements arise, a well-timed joke or a shared funny memory can help diffuse tension, lighten the mood, and create a more conducive environment for finding solutions.

In summary, the shared laughter between Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley is a vital aspect of their marriage. It strengthens their bond, creates positive experiences, reduces stress, fosters emotional connection, and aids in conflict resolution. Laughter contributes to the overall happiness, well-being, and resilience of their relationship.


Effective communication is a cornerstone of any successful marriage, and the marriage of Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley is no exception. Their ability to communicate openly and honestly with each other has been a key factor in their relationship's longevity and happiness.

  • Active Listening: Active listening involves giving full attention to your partner, both verbally and nonverbally. Berens and Wehrley make a conscious effort to listen to each other without interrupting, and they ask clarifying questions to ensure they understand each other's perspectives.
  • Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Berens and Wehrley are empathetic towards each other, and they strive to see things from each other's perspectives. This helps them to resolve conflicts and build a deeper emotional connection.
  • Nonviolent Communication: Nonviolent communication is a method of communication that focuses on expressing oneself honestly and respectfully, without blaming or accusing the other person. Berens and Wehrley use nonviolent communication to resolve conflicts and build a stronger bond.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Regular check-ins are a great way to stay connected and communicate openly with your partner. Berens and Wehrley schedule regular check-ins to discuss their relationship, their goals, and any challenges they may be facing.

Open and honest communication is essential for any healthy relationship, but it is especially important for marriage. Berens and Wehrley's commitment to communicating effectively has been a key factor in their successful and happy marriage.


Trust is a key component of any healthy relationship, and it is especially important in marriage. When couples trust each other, they feel safe and secure in the relationship. They know that they can rely on each other, no matter what. Trust is built over time, through consistent and positive interactions. It is also important to forgive each other when mistakes are made, and to learn from those mistakes.

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley have built a strong and trusting relationship. They trust each other implicitly, and this trust is evident in everything they do. They are always there for each other, through good times and bad. They support each other's dreams and aspirations, and they always have each other's backs.

The trust between Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley is a beautiful example of how two people can build a successful life together. They are a constant source of support and inspiration for each other, and their love for each other is evident in everything they do.


Respect is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship, and it is especially important in marriage. When couples respect each other, they value each other's opinions and feelings, even if they don't agree with them. They listen to each other without interrupting, and they try to see things from each other's perspectives. Respectful communication is essential for resolving conflicts and building a strong, lasting relationship.

  • Active Listening: Active listening is a key component of respectful communication. It involves giving your partner your full attention, both verbally and nonverbally. When Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley listen to each other, they make eye contact, nod their heads, and ask clarifying questions. They also avoid interrupting each other, even if they disagree with what the other person is saying.
  • Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley are both empathetic people, and they make an effort to see things from each other's perspectives. This empathy helps them to resolve conflicts and build a stronger emotional connection.
  • Nonviolent Communication: Nonviolent communication is a method of communication that focuses on expressing oneself honestly and respectfully, without blaming or accusing the other person. Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley use nonviolent communication to resolve conflicts and build a stronger bond.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Regular check-ins are a great way to stay connected and communicate openly with your partner. Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley schedule regular check-ins to discuss their relationship, their goals, and any challenges they may be facing. These check-ins help them to stay on the same page and to resolve any issues before they become major problems.

Respect is the foundation of a healthy and happy marriage. Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley are a shining example of how respect can help a couple build a strong and lasting relationship.


In the context of "charlie berens and alex wehrley marriage," equality is a crucial aspect that fosters mutual respect, shared decision-making, and a balanced distribution of responsibilities within their relationship. This facet of their marriage contributes to its overall strength and happiness.

  • Shared Decision-Making: Berens and Wehrley approach important decisions as a team, valuing each other's perspectives and input equally. They engage in open discussions, considering both individual and collective needs, to reach mutually beneficial outcomes.
  • Equitable Division of Labor: Household chores, childcare, and other responsibilities are fairly distributed between Berens and Wehrley. They recognize the value of each other's contributions, regardless of traditional gender roles, fostering a sense of shared purpose and mutual support.
  • Respect for Individuality: Berens and Wehrley respect and encourage each other's individual interests, passions, and career aspirations. They provide support and encouragement, recognizing that personal growth and fulfillment are important for both partners.
  • Financial Transparency: They maintain open and honest communication regarding financial matters, ensuring transparency and joint decision-making in managing their shared resources. This fosters trust and a sense of shared responsibility.

The equality between Berens and Wehrley extends beyond these specific facets, permeating all aspects of their relationship. It creates a strong foundation built on mutual respect, shared values, and a deep understanding of each other's needs and aspirations. This equality contributes significantly to the overall success and happiness of their marriage.


In the context of "charlie berens and alex wehrley marriage," fun plays a vital role in strengthening their bond and creating a fulfilling partnership. Their shared enjoyment of spending time together and engaging in activities that bring them joy contributes to the overall happiness and longevity of their marriage.

  • Shared Interests: Berens and Wehrley share a common interest in comedy and entertainment, which forms a significant part of their leisure time. They often attend comedy shows, watch movies, and engage in playful banter, creating a shared language and inside jokes that deepen their connection.
  • Active Recreation: Beyond indoor activities, they enjoy engaging in outdoor activities together, such as hiking, biking, and exploring new places. These shared experiences strengthen their physical and emotional bond, while also creating lasting memories.
  • Spontaneous Adventures: Berens and Wehrley embrace spontaneity and often embark on impromptu adventures or weekend getaways. These unplanned moments foster a sense of excitement and novelty, keeping their relationship fresh and.
  • Laughter and Humor: Laughter is an integral part of their relationship. They share a similar sense of humor and find joy in teasing each other and engaging in playful banter. This shared laughter creates a lighthearted atmosphere and helps them navigate challenges with a positive outlook.

The element of fun in Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley's marriage is not limited to specific activities or occasions; it's a mindset that permeates their everyday interactions. They prioritize time for each other, embrace spontaneity, and find joy in the simple moments they share. This shared enjoyment enriches their relationship, fosters deep emotional connections, and contributes to their overall happiness as a couple.


In the context of "charlie berens and alex wehrley marriage," adventure plays a significant role in strengthening their bond, fostering shared experiences, and keeping their relationship vibrant. Their mutual enthusiasm for trying new things and embracing challenges contributes to their overall happiness and compatibility.

  • Shared Thrills and Memories: Berens and Wehrley share a love for adventure and often embark on exciting activities together. They have gone on adventurous trips, explored new cities, and participated in thrilling experiences. These shared moments create lasting memories and deepen their connection as they navigate challenges and celebrate successes together.
  • Embracing the Unknown: Both Berens and Wehrley possess a sense of curiosity and a willingness to embrace the unknown. They are open to trying new things, whether it's a new cuisine, an unfamiliar hobby, or an off-the-beaten-path travel destination. This shared spirit of adventure keeps their relationship fresh and prevents it from falling into a routine.
  • Growth and Learning: Adventures provide opportunities for personal growth and learning. By stepping outside their comfort zones and trying new things, Berens and Wehrley challenge themselves and expand their perspectives. These shared experiences contribute to their individual and collective development, strengthening their bond as they navigate life's adventures together.
  • Strengthening Communication and Trust: Adventures often involve unexpected situations and challenges. By facing these challenges together, Berens and Wehrley learn to rely on each other and communicate effectively. They develop a deep trust in each other's abilities and a shared understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

The adventurous spirit of Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley is an integral part of their marriage. It not only adds excitement and novelty to their relationship but also contributes to their personal growth, strengthens their communication and trust, and creates a lasting foundation for a fulfilling and vibrant partnership.


In the realm of marriage, support serves as a cornerstone, binding partners together through life's inevitable ups and downs. In the case of Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley, their unwavering support for each other has played a pivotal role in the strength and longevity of their marriage.

Support manifests in myriad ways within their relationship. During challenging times, they provide a shoulder to lean on, offering empathy, encouragement, and practical assistance. This unwavering presence instills a sense of security and resilience, allowing them to navigate adversity together.

Equally important is their support during joyous occasions. They celebrate each other's accomplishments, big and small, fostering a sense of shared purpose and mutual appreciation. This unwavering encouragement fuels their individual growth and aspirations, enriching their lives both within and outside their marriage.

The significance of support in their marriage extends beyond emotional and practical benefits. It fosters a deep sense of trust and intimacy, knowing that they can always rely on each other, no matter the circumstances. This trust creates a safe and nurturing environment where they can grow, evolve, and pursue their dreams together.

In conclusion, the unwavering support between Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley stands as a testament to the power of this essential ingredient in marriage. It provides a foundation of strength, resilience, and shared purpose, enabling them to navigate life's challenges and celebrate its joys as a unified team.


Within the tapestry of a successful marriage, inspiration plays a pivotal role in fostering personal growth and mutual support. In the case of Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley, their ability to inspire each other has been a driving force in their relationship's enduring strength and happiness.

  • Shared Values and Goals: Berens and Wehrley share a deep connection built on common values and aspirations. This shared vision inspires them to support each other's dreams and ambitions, creating a mutually supportive environment where they can thrive.
  • Personal Growth and Development: Their relationship fosters an atmosphere of continuous learning and personal evolution. They encourage each other to step outside of their comfort zones, embrace new challenges, and pursue their passions, leading to individual growth and a sense of shared accomplishment.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Life's inevitable obstacles are met with a united front by Berens and Wehrley. They draw strength from their bond and inspire each other to persevere through difficult times, emerging stronger and more resilient as a couple.
  • Creativity and Innovation: Their relationship nurtures creativity and innovation. They inspire each other to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and bring their unique perspectives to every aspect of their lives.

The inspirational bond between Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley serves as a catalyst for their personal growth and relationship fulfillment. By supporting each other's aspirations, encouraging personal development, and navigating challenges together, they create a marriage that is not only enduring but also a source of constant inspiration and mutual admiration.

FAQs on "Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley Marriage"

This section addresses frequently asked questions about the marriage of comedians Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley, providing concise and informative answers.

Question 1: How did Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley meet?

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley met in 2010 while performing at a comedy show in Chicago. They quickly became friends and started dating soon after.

Question 2: When did Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley get married?

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley got married on July 14, 2018, in a private ceremony in Wisconsin.

Question 3: Do Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley have any children?

As of this writing, Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley do not have any children.

Question 4: What are Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley's careers?

Charlie Berens is a comedian, writer, and podcaster. Alex Wehrley is a comedian, writer, and actress.

Question 5: What is the secret to Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley's successful marriage?

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley have stated that communication, mutual respect, and a shared sense of humor are key factors in the success of their marriage.

Question 6: What advice would Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley give to other couples?

Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley have advised other couples to prioritize spending quality time together, to be supportive of each other's dreams, and to never take each other for granted.

In summary, Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley's marriage is a testament to the power of communication, respect, and shared experiences. Their commitment to each other and their unwavering support serve as an inspiration to many.

Transition to the next article section: Conclusion

Tips Inspired by the Marriage of Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley

The marriage of comedians Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley has been widely admired for its strength, humor, and mutual support. By examining their relationship, we can derive valuable tips for nurturing a fulfilling and lasting marriage.

Tip 1: Prioritize Communication

Open and honest communication is crucial for any successful marriage. Berens and Wehrley make a conscious effort to listen actively to each other, share their thoughts and feelings, and resolve conflicts through respectful dialogue.

Tip 2: Cultivate Mutual Respect

Respect is the foundation of a healthy marriage. Berens and Wehrley value each other's opinions, perspectives, and individuality. They treat each other with kindness, consideration, and empathy.

Tip 3: Nurture Shared Interests

Shared interests and activities can strengthen the bond between partners. Berens and Wehrley enjoy spending time together doing things they both love, such as attending comedy shows, exploring new restaurants, and traveling.

Tip 4: Support Each Other's Dreams

A supportive partner can make a world of difference in achieving personal goals and aspirations. Berens and Wehrley are each other's biggest cheerleaders, encouraging and supporting each other's careers and passions.

Tip 5: Embrace Adventure and Novelty

Trying new things together can add excitement and freshness to a marriage. Berens and Wehrley regularly embark on adventures, such as going on road trips, trying new cuisines, and attending cultural events.

Tip 6: Maintain a Sense of Humor

Laughter and humor can help couples navigate challenges and strengthen their connection. Berens and Wehrley share a similar sense of humor and often find joy in the everyday moments of their lives.

Tip 7: Prioritize Quality Time

In the midst of busy schedules, it's important to make time for each other. Berens and Wehrley schedule regular date nights, go on weekend getaways, and simply enjoy each other's company on a daily basis.

By incorporating these tips into their relationship, Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley have built a marriage that is not only enduring but also a source of joy, support, and inspiration.


Marriage is a complex and rewarding journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success. However, by learning from the positive examples of couples like Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley, we can gain valuable insights and strategies for nurturing our own marriages and fostering lasting happiness and fulfillment.


The exploration of "charlie berens and alex wehrley marriage" has provided valuable insights into the qualities and dynamics that contribute to a successful and fulfilling marriage. Through examining their open communication, mutual respect, shared interests, and unwavering support, we have gained a deeper understanding of the essential ingredients for a lasting partnership.

The marriage of Charlie Berens and Alex Wehrley serves as a reminder that marriage is not merely a legal union but a profound commitment built on love, respect, and shared experiences. Their journey together highlights the importance of prioritizing communication, nurturing shared interests, and supporting each other's dreams. By embracing these principles, couples can foster a strong and enduring bond that withstands the challenges of life and brings lasting happiness.

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